Lighting Council Australia is the peak body for Australia’s lighting industry.
Its goal is to encourage the use of environmentally appropriate, energy efficient, quality lighting systems.
Lighting Council Australia:
- Advocates the importance of energy efficient, quality, low environmental impact lighting products and systems;
- Represents the Australian lighting industry to policy-makers and other key stakeholders nationally and internationally;
- Influences international and Australian standards relating to the lighting industry;
- Promotes the use of electrically safe lighting that complies with relevant Australian and international standards; and
- Encourages good lighting design, education and training.
Become a Member
Lighting Council Australia represents suppliers and manufacturers of lighting equipment in Australia.
Membership Benefits:
- Acess to assistance on technical and regulatory issues in a time of significant change – MEPS, electrical safety, EMC.
- Advance notice of regulatory and legislative change.
- Input to discussions on matters affecting Australia’s lighting industry
Latest Media Release – 15 August 2024
Smarter, cheaper, better – Ruling sparks street lighting revolution
Australian community streetscapes are set to be dramatically transformed through smarter,
better and cheaper lighting due to an Australian Energy Market Commission ruling handed
down today.
Lighting Council of Australia CEO Malcolm Richards said the AEMC ruling to allow more
flexible and tailored metering for major electricity users would open up the pathway for
local councils to deliver the perfect light setting for every environment.
The AEMC decision today will allow local councils to install micro meters on every street
lamp, and in turn pay for exactly what they are using rather than a rough estimate based on
the number of lights they have.